Question : encrypt variables in asp
I'm trying to give my access database some added security and recently added a password to it. The code I have now looks like this:
MM_OnDemand_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OL
EDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(Path) & "; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & (Password) & "; Mode=ReadWrite; Persist Security Info=False"
I would like to encrypt the variable "Password". I've never done this before and don't really understand the process, could someone explain it ot me? Do I keep the encrypting function in a different file and include it? How do I decrypt the encrypted variable?
Thanks for any help.
Answer : encrypt variables in asp
I would remove the old drivers and install new ones for Video, chipset and anything else relevant.
apparently the hardware is different enough to cause issues.
also check the device manger
I hope this helps !
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