Question : Global Catalogue Servers
We have 2 DC's, and both are configured as Global catalogue servers. However when one was rebooted ("Minnie" server) our exchange server stopped working, and after investigation found out it was because exchange couldn't find a GC server, but our second GC ("Bambi" server)n was on and running. Event ID 2103 was found in the exchange system log stating that no catalogue servers were found. The Server that was rebooted was also set as the "Operations master", I remember reading a while ago that it wasn't a good idea to have a server being both a GC server and operations master. Can you confirm?
What i really want to do is some interrogation on the server that was still up and find out why it wasn't responding as a GC, is there anything i can do? or can anyone shed any light on what might have happened?
Answer : Global Catalogue Servers
make sure that bambi GC ip settings points to himself as DNS server and to minnie as secondary DNS
run netdiag /fix and dcdiag /fix and make sure that replication is working correctly and restart the server and try again
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