Question : Running Total in a multi row Query or Form

How do I get a running total (sum above for each project) for the attached simple query?

Source query has the following Fields  as shown in screen shot [ProjectNumber] [Stage] [BudgetRevenue]

I have tried
BudgetRevenueCumulative:=DSum("[BudgetedRevenue]","[Q-ProjectFinances]","[ProjectNumber] = " & [ProjectNumber])

This totals each project but is not a cumulative result that grows on each row within each project
Sample Query/Form table Q-ProjectFinances
Sample Query/Form table Q-ProjectFinances

Answer : Running Total in a multi row Query or Form

try this query, change table1 accordingly

SELECT Table1.ProjectNumber, Table1.Stage, Table1.BudgetRevenue, (select sum([BudgetRevenue]) from table1 T where [ProjectNumber]=table1.[ProjectNumber] And [stage]<=table1.[stage]) AS BudgetRevenueCumulative
FROM Table1;
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