Question : FTP Upload
I have a website, and occasionally, a customer needs to give me their file. What is the best, most easiest and most user friendliest way to accomplish this off of my website? My website is a classic asp website, but obviously, I would probably want something in for the upload functionality. I know there are some third party controls out there, but I'm looking for something very easy and simple, and i don't mind paying for it.
Basically, i just want a page, where they need to enter a password, and then they can upload their file and there is a status bar or something telling them that its uploading.
Answer : FTP Upload
Assuming that the zipcode is always 5 numbers long, and preceeded by a space, this works:
$string="Anywhere, OH 12345";
$zip = substr($string,strrpos($st
ring," ")+1,5);
echo $zip;
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