I have some files I created that have the file extension .htm
If I try to click on any of them to open and see them, I get the error message "....is not a valid WIN32 application.
So I right-click on it and select "Open." Same error message.
I tried "Open With".... and tried FrontPage, which is my web creation program.
NOPE. "not a valid win32 application"
THEN, I tried "Open With" and Firefox. It worked.
But what I want is for my HTM or HTML documents to open by my simply clicking on them and having them open automatically in FrontPage.
I have already tried the standard routine to change the default program---
Tools-->Folder Options--File Types--> [and selected FrontPage as the default]
and that doesn't work. The icon shows that I have set the default to FrontPage, but I still get the error message.
Note: If I right-click on the document and select "Properties," it shows:
Type of File: Fiirefox Document Opens with: Frontpage
It doesn't seem that this should be so hard to remedy, but apparently it is for me.
What's the deal here?
Thanks for your time and attention. I appreciate your help.