Question : populate textbox with hyperlink containing variables
guru sami,
I have a textbox that i need to populate with a hyperlink containing a variable (parcel_ID). The textbox is inside a formview/InsertItemTemplat
My code is as follows:
<asp:TextBox ID="ParcelIDTextBox" Width="95%" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ParcelID") %>'>
My InsertCommand is as follows:
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [INPUT] ([RecordNumberID], [ParcelID], [ICLU_Selected], [SCCLU_Selected],[IFLU_Sel
ected], [FDATL_Selected], [FDATL_Source], [INPUT_Comments], [INPUT_Name], [INPUT_Email], [INPUT_Date]) VALUES (NEWID(), @ParcelID, @ICLU_Selected, @SCCLU_Selected, @IFLU_Selected, @FDATL_Selected, @FDATL_Source, @INPUT_Comments, @INPUT_Name, @INPUT_Email, @INPUT_Date)"
I'm just trying to have a hyperlink containing th is parcel ID open up my form, populate textbox called "ParcelIDTextBox" on Page_Load.
ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
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