Question : Visual Studio .NET build error but website works fine, problem with included script with VB
In Visual Studio 2008 (or 2010) I did "Open a website" on a working website. When I try a build I get errors on one page named "". This page is referenced on every .aspx page with <!--#include file=""-->
On the problem page (.inc), it begins with:
<script runat="server" type="text/vb">
and is followed by some vb code
The website works - but Visual Studio has a problem building this page, for example gives an error "Illegal syntax" on a line "If A <> B Then". It doesn't like the < although it is part of a legal VB operator. There are other errors like nbsp not defined.
How do I get VS to build this page without error?
NOTE: The solution needs to be in Visual Studio, not any change to the website (like renaming a page, changing a page, or redesign).
Thank you
Answer : Visual Studio .NET build error but website works fine, problem with included script with VB
Hmm, puzzling.
I think the reason the first error would be on the < would be because of its use in XML...
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