Question : Using VBA in MS Access trying to prefill a pdf form...stumped on how to programmatically fill a check box..
Using VBA in MS Access trying to prefill a pdf form...
I have the following code to prefill if it is text box, stuck on how to check or uncheck a check box based on a field value.
Dim AcroApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp
Dim pdDoc As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc
Dim fcount As Long
Dim sFieldName As String
Dim Field As AFORMAUTLib.Field
Dim Fields As AFORMAUTLib.Fields
Dim AcroForm As AFORMAUTLib.AFormApp
Dim jso As Object
dim x as object
Dim answer As Integer
If (Dir("c:\namus_reader.pdf"
) = "") Then
MsgBox "Questionnaire files not found "
Exit Sub
End If
Set pdDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDD
If pdDoc.Open("c:\namus_reade
r.pdf") Then
Set X = jso.getfield("ch_agenow")
X.Value = yrsnow
Set X = jso.getfield("ch_ncicnumbe
X.Value = NCICnumber
Answer : Using VBA in MS Access trying to prefill a pdf form...stumped on how to programmatically fill a check box..
You do not "need" a trust to use ADMT however trusts can make migration alot easier so are recomended by most for that reason.
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