Question : .navigate more than one website in only one IE.7 microsoft windows in VBA Excel
Dear Expert,
I would like to open three websites or IE instances at the same time in only one IE.7 window. How can I do it ? My code following is only grab the website one by one only. The first
is replaced by the last navigate command in VBA with
. We would like to keep those three at the same time in only one IE7 window. I know IE7 could make it but IE6 could not, Right ?
In other words, one IE window has three websites or instances I need, please help .
Please advise
Sub AllwebsiteIE()
Dim myIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
myIE.navigate "
myIE.navigate "
myIE.navigate "
end sub
Answer : .navigate more than one website in only one IE.7 microsoft windows in VBA Excel
actually, above code: one instance, but new windows as tabs can be controlled via, Internet Options -> General Tab -> Tabs Settings button -> "When a pop-up is encountered" -> circle-button-select "Always open pop-ups in a new tab"
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