Question : exchange 2003 server backup
Dear Experts:
I would like to know what needs to be backed up in Exchange server 2003 enterprise for a full recovery?
Do we need to take the server off-line for a backup by using Windows NTBackup Utility?
For example: we have 3 exchange 2003 servers in the LAN with 2 windows 2000 Domain controllers.
If the exchange server 1 crashes, can we use the backup to restore to similar hardware using the same server name and IP address?
Can you share the recovery steps for the whole process to rebuild the server?
For example:
1) install the windows 2003 server with the same name and IP address on the new hardware
2) Install the exchange 2003 enterprise ..... ETC,...
Thanks a lot,
Answer : exchange 2003 server backup
Take a look at this link as it illustrates the Full procedure of Backing up and Restoring Exchange with NTBackup...
Hope this helps~!
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