Best way to do it is on the other drive such as D:\ drive, if i was you.
**** Note: You can try this but please becareful. If you can back up your image, just in case you need to roll back for some reason.
Try this:
1. Reboot into Safe Mode.
2. Log on as Administrator.
3. Click Start > type in cmd
4. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter
5. Run the process as Administrator.
6. Type the following commands and press Enter after each:
takeown /f C:\ /a /r /d y
cacls C:\ /t /c /g administrators:F System:F everyone:F
(Answer "yes" when prompted "Are you sure?")
Now login to your PC using Administrator (or your login - make sure add to Administrators Group)
If you decide to go with D:\ drive, you still have to take ownership, permission, disable UAC, ect. and do the step above. Guarantee will works. Good luck.