Question : Regular Expressions Perl
I am trying to parse a date field with format
sometimes the date has only one digit and sometime the HH has only
one digit
example of input
7/03/2001 9:09:18,034449599,BGC,WCOM
I want to look at each field of the date if there is only digit I
concatenate a 0 in front of it, example if the day is 7 I put 07,
if the hour is 9 I put 09. I also want to elimnate the space.
so for the input above the desired output
I am able to isolate the dd and remove the space but when I am unable
to isolate the mm and the HH
#use strict;
use warnings;
my $inputFile;
my $inputname = "Sample1Date.txt";
my $outputfile;
my $outputname = "Sample1Date_output.txt";
my $line;
my @lineParts;
my @linePartsDay;
my @linePartsMonth;
my $temp2="";
open (inputFile, "$inputname");
#open ($inputFile, "<$inputname") || die "Can not open input file";
open ($outputfile, ">$outputname") || die "Can not open output file";
my $temp = "";
while ($line = <inputFile>)
@lineParts = split '\,', $line;
my $date = $lineParts[0];
@linePartsDay = split '\/', $date;
my $day = $linePartsDay[0];
print "day : $day\n";
#@linePartsMonth = split '\^(\d{2}/\d{2}/)', $date;
@linePartsMonth = split '\^(//)', $date;
my $month = $linePartsMonth[0];
print "month : $month\n";
#$temp2 = $date;
#$temp2 =~ s/(\s)+//;
#$date = $temp2; # remove space(s) in the middle of date
print "date : $date\n";
my $number1 = $lineParts[1];
my $donor = $lineParts[2];
my $recipient = $lineParts[3];
my $routing = $lineParts[4];
$temp = $date.",".$number1.",".$do
print $outputfile "$temp";
#close $inputFile;
close $outputfile;
I get:
day: 7 (OK) I can then look at the length of day if it is only 1 digit concatenate a 0 in front of it.
month: date: 7/03/20019:09:18
date: 7/03/20019:09:18
I do not know how to isolate the mm, once I get the month I would like to isolate
the yyyy the HH the MM and the SS and to check each field (once I have isolate I
know how to concate).
I tried various regular expressions for isolating the month but unable...
#@linePartsMonth = split '\^(\d{2}/\d{2}/)', $date;
@linePartsMonth = split '\^(//)', $date;
my $month = $linePartsMonth[0];
print "month : $month\n";
Do you know how to the isolation for MM, YYYY HH MM SS
Answer : Regular Expressions Perl
$_= '7/03/2001 9:09:18,034449599,BGC,WCOM
s/ ?\b(\d)\b/0$1/g;
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