Question : Windows 2003 - Group Policy / Windows Updates
Good Morning,
We have two servers in our domain running Windows 2003 but there seems to be a problem with the way that Windows Update is running.
The Group Policy for both the Domain and the Servers is setup to allow access to Windows Update and to Download but not install updates but that isn't whats happening.
On the Primary Domain Controller :
It seems to put something in the Registry which blocks access to Windows Update, if I visit the site now I get error code 0x8024002E
On the other Server in the Domain (Backup Controller) :
This goes to Windows Update, identifies updates, downloads each update but then will not install any of them.
Can someone help me reset the Windows Update policy to the default, thus allow both servers to connect to Windows Update?
Many thanks
Answer : Windows 2003 - Group Policy / Windows Updates
I don't think my comment was so not helpful that it's not worth some points.
In the end, the answer was under "HKLM\Software\Policies\Mi
, where I told you to look in the first place.
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