Question : The news page in SharePoint 2007 is narrow and does not look like the master or sub master page
Okay, the normal SharePoint designer person we have is no longer with the company.
I took some advice and split the logo (left) and banner (right) into two cells.
This work. yes, I know the logo is stretched. I am waiting for the artist to get back to me with a logo that actually fits. Here is the deal the logo runs right over the top of the banner only in the news page.
I cannot figure out why the rest of the pages inherit correctly. Please help me... Normally, I only work on the back end of SharePoint, but have been delegated that I work on the front end now. I am unclear if this setting was chaned in designer or if that is just the NEWS page itself.
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The rest of the pages look normal this one is small???
Answer : The news page in SharePoint 2007 is narrow and does not look like the master or sub master page
The news page was small than the rest of the pages I explanded it in designer and now everythign is okay..
Please close this ticket.
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