Question : Need to send mail through an authenticated smarthost in Exchange 2007/2003
You know how in Outlook 2007 on a POP mail account you can make the outgoing mail server a smart host/mail relay server that is authenticated.
I want to do this in exchange, so that all mail sent from my organisation is sent through my smart host (which i have the FQDN and Authentication details).
I need to be able to do this for Exchange 2003 and 2007.
With 2007, i went into Exchange Management Console > Organisation Configuration > Hub Transport > Send Connectors Tab and then the Properties of that I went to the Network Tab and there is an opton 'Route Mail through the Following Smart Hosts' which i presumed was it, but there is no section for authentication??
Answer : Need to send mail through an authenticated smarthost in Exchange 2007/2003
Take a look at
. This is a walkthrough of setting it up for a specific ISP, but it looks pretty general - should work in most cases.
Good Luck
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