let me be clear, you can ruin your router by uploading foreign firmware to it.
but that being said, according to:
http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices#Netgearthe hardware support says:
WNR2000 v2 PY309100105 Broadcom 4716B0@? 32 4 Broadcom b/g/n? - 1 1 1 WAN/4 LAN - ? ? v.24 SP2 - build 14536 - 20100531 -
from this link:
http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/support/other-downloads?path=others%2Feko%2FV24-K26%2Fsvn14536%2Fthe second line down is a link to the chk firmware. for the wnr2000
the first is the .bin firmware.
according to others you upload the firmware via web interface.
the closest instructions they have is for the wnr3500
found :
http://dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Netgear_WNR3500Lbasically it's all experimental and there is no clear - step 1) step 2) download this.. etc instructions for that model.