Question : who writes the web service

Let's say we have Database A on BoxA, and DatabaseB on BoxB.

The owner of DatabaseB wants to have some data from DatabaseA through webservice.

Both database is in SQL Server.

Which DB owner will write the web service? Owner A or B?

What language options do they have to write the webservice? Does it have to be only in the language of the front end in DatabaseB's application? Can it be done in tSQL?


Answer : who writes the web service

If you are just passing data between 2 databases and you're company has access to both then you can just grant privlidges from one to the other

If your production SQL server and test SQL server can talk, you could just do in with a SQL insert statement.

first run the following on your test server: Execute sp_addlinkedserver PRODUCTION_SERVER_NAME

Then just create the insert statement:

INSERT INTO [PRODUCTION_SERVER_NAME].DATABASE_NAME.dbo.TABLE_NAME (Names_of_Columns_to_be_inserted) SELECT Names_of_Columns_to_be_inserted FROM TABLE_NAME
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