Question : access query problem 15
I have a table that contains this info
loan_id loan_statusID effectiveDate
1 active 1/1/2005
1 default 8/3/2004
1 suspend 5/3/2004
1 active 4/1/2003
2 default 4/5/2007
2 active 1/5/2006
2 suspend 12/1/2005
2 active 8/1/2006
Obviously the loanid is duplicated in this table. I need a way to bring back all loanIDs (distinct if possible) where the most recent effective date is a loan in default status.
in this example the loan is currenlty active for id 1. loanid 2 is in default state so it should only bring back that loan.
Answer : access query problem 15
This do it?
SELECT a.Loan_ID, a.EffectiveDate FROM tblLoans a WHERE a.Loan_StatusID = "Default" AND a.EffectiveDate = (SELECT Max(b.EffectiveDate) FROM tblLoans b WHERE b.Loan_ID = a.Loan_ID);
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