Question : Can I execute multiple SET statements in 1 SQL UPDATE statement?
In SQL Server 2005, is the following a valid SQL Statement: In other words, can I execute multiple SET statements in 1 SQL UPDATE statement?
UPDATE dbo.tSOX SET userid = REPLACE(userid,'Mike Vicor','Joe Smith'), SET userName = REPLACE(userName,'Vicor','Smith'), SET userNameF = REPLACE(userNameF,'Mike','Joe') WHERE Application = 'BRS'
Answer : Can I execute multiple SET statements in 1 SQL UPDATE statement?
sort and asort sort arrays, but DirectoryIterator is not an array, despite providing array-like access (e.g. via foreach). Try creating an associative array from the DirectoryIterator results and sorting that, something like:
$dircontents = array(); foreach ($subdir as $filesInfo) { $dircontents[$filesInfo->getFilename()] = $filesInfo; }
foreach($dircontents as $filename => $filesInfo) { ... }