Question : Asp.Net I need help. I am not passing Date values to my the Conrol Parameters?? in a SqlDatasource using Ajax
I have used the sqldatasoure smart tag wizard and have tested everthing I can and everything tested OK.
this is my where clause and I have tested this query and it works. it brings back all the rows for the BeginDate of '07/01/2010' and the EndDate of '07/31/2010' these date were enter into th
ControlParameters thru the Wizard.
WHERE E.IsLockedOut = 'True' and (Signupdate between CONVERT(datetime, @BeginDate, 101) And CONVERT(datetime, @EndDate, 101))
ORDER BY userId, SignUpDate DESC">
<asp:ControlParameter Name="BeginDate" ControlId="CalendarExtende
r1" PropertyName="SelectedDate
" />
<asp:ControlParameter Name="EndDate" ControlID="CalendarExtende
r2" PropertyName="SelectedDate
I have a textbox for BeginDate & EndDate with The Ajax Calendar extendar attached.
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The Ajax Calendar extendar
after I enter the beginDate & endDate uisng the ajax calendar control the textbox show the date entered. But nothing happens it seems the date is not being passed to the ControlParameters.
what am i missing here is thier some command in ajax that send the data to the controlparameter??
Answer : Asp.Net I need help. I am not passing Date values to my the Conrol Parameters?? in a SqlDatasource using Ajax
I don't have any sample but was just wondering why don't you use TextBoxes as ControlParameter with
Text as PropertyName instead of controlCalendar.
You can use SqlProfiler to see what are the values passed to the query when gridView bind is called.
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