Question : E-Mail

Recently, some on-line pharmacies are able to utilize my e-mail list to send their on-line pharmacies advertising to my senders list.

I have been looking around my computer and cannot seem to find the file that is executing these pharmacies; or, if they are doing it from a remote location.  This means that they are hacking into my computer at will.  I now have three (3) pharmacies that are doing this.

Somehow they are getting by my firewall and my virus protection.

Is there any way that I can ferret out this problem; and, put a stop to it as soon as possible?

Any workable solution would be appreciated.


Answer : E-Mail

install all the windows OS's first.; save space for the ubuntu install last

When your installing ubuntu, it will automaticly detect every bootable other partition (aka all the windows ones) and automaticly create a GRUB bootloader for you that will select between all of those OS's.

It (really is) that easy.

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