Question : Any ideas how to create your own loadbalancer using linux?
Hi i need to test my theory on something, basically i need to have a linux box that can do the following have a virtual ip on it, so when user gong to in our DNS server the A record will point to that virtual IP. Then to that virtual ip there should be binded two internal ip address. Traffic should go all the time to internal ip1 at all times whenever requests go to, if ip1 is down traffic should go to ip2 all traffic will need to maintain persistency, meaning after first resolution to the primary ip occurs clients communicate directly on that ip so that ip1 would see a source ip address of a pc that's performing the request to Any ideas?
Answer : Any ideas how to create your own loadbalancer using linux?
There will be two case when you get that error:
1) before compiling/generating class file, you are trying to run
2) you are giving wrong class name while running
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