Question : Hmailserver not receiving from Gmail and Yahoo
Dear Community,
I am having a strange problem. I set up hmailserver 5 on a win2008 64bit server. Everything is fine: I can send to all domains and my mail is not in spam. wonderful. The problem is the receive (of course): I can receive from almost every domain BUT Yahoo and Gmail. I get a "connection timed out" NDR in the gmail account (yahoo doesnt specify, but in my logs it looks the same).
Additional facts: 1. I did telnet test - works perfectly 2. DNS and MXrecord tests - everything fine. 3. I have no SPAM, Firewall Antivirus or whatsoever activated. The server is on public IP. 4. In the log I see the ehlo from Gmail and then the little talk until my server says: OK, send DATA. then - nothing. 5 On Capsasoft I see that Gmail tries to send, since I can read the email on packetlevel.
I set TCP window to 0. (read that this sometims creates that problem). I have no filtering (Cisco-problem).
After 3 weeks I simply don't know anymore what to do.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot
Additional Info: I tried also mailEnable Mailserver - same result.... so it is my network. But my exchangeserver works. I have a router (draytek) and 2 WAN IPs setup. One for NAT and one for Routing to additional public IPs. Exchange is in the NAT part, hMail and MailEnable have public IPs.
I did the following test: I directed on the router (draytek vigor 2910) port 25 not to the exchange, but to the hMailserver. Suddenly he could receive from everyone. through the public IP he cannot. Now I am really stuck.....
Answer : Hmailserver not receiving from Gmail and Yahoo
The problem was the ISP. I hate him. 3 weeks without sleep....