Question : Including fields in Filemaker email
We send contractors out to jobs and some jobs involve several contractors on the same job. I am set up to send an email job confirmation to individual contractors, but we also need to include in the email the names and phone numbers of the other contractors on the same job.
I am figuring on using the Loop function to duplicate as many Job records as required for that particular job and at the same time mark each record with a unique Group Job number. I can create a field in the Contractors database that combines name and phone number by calculation. How do I then include the name and phone fields for each Contractor working on that particular Group Job in their confirmation email and at the same time exclude the name and phone of the Contractor that the email is being sent to?
Any help much appreciated.
Answer : Including fields in Filemaker email
You need the windows cd. You can try with another version, SP2 or so since you only need the i386 folder but because IE is linked to windows you are going to need a windows CD.
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