Question : Exchange 2010 Antivirus Options
Hello Experts,
We are in the process of migrating to Exchange 2010 and I am trying to determine what a good option is for antivirus protection of the mail data store itself. I am aware of the need to exclude the Exchange directories, etc. from file level scanning on an Exchange server, but I also know that there are products designed to scan the mail data store for threats. We do have an Ironmail appliance in place that scans all incoming mail for spam and virus threats, but I would like to know what are some good options for scanning the mail data on the Exchange server. We do not have enterprise CALs for Exchange, which as I understand it, eliminates the possibility of using MS Forefront for Exchange, at least until we purchase enterprise CALs. Please advise re: effectiveness and overall value.
Thanks very much,
Answer : Exchange 2010 Antivirus Options
I would say forefront protection for Exchange is the best one available for now
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