Question : When does a DBMS become necessary/very useful to use in conjunction with ArcGIS? (rather than doing everything with ArcGIS)

All GIS work I have done has been in a non- team atmosphere. I usually use just ArcGIS to manage tables without also seeing the data through something like MySQL or Access. It seems managable - it is very possible to setup a whole spatial relational database without ever leaving ArcGIS software. I am wondering what is the big advantage to leaving the ArcGIS environment to accomplish such a task? I assume that using a DBMS in conjunction with a GIS system is something that becomes more worthwhile/ useful / time saving when there is more than 1 person working on the project? Am I right in this assumption? Are there any other factors at play? Any insight greatly appreciated!

Answer : When does a DBMS become necessary/very useful to use in conjunction with ArcGIS? (rather than doing everything with ArcGIS)

One way would be to set the global object. This can cause a timing issue if your global JS variable is not available before this code runs. This is good for an example though.

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "script", _

So a second solution might be to create and set the global variable all at once from code behind. It will then be available for all your JS calls from then on.

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "script", _
        String.Format("var setFrmServerCode={0}","SomeValueAsString")

Another would be to create a function that sets the object and use an event like <body onload> to call the event. This way lets you control the timing and make sure your global variable is available before you try to set it.

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "script", _
        String.Format("function setGlobal(){{ setFrmServerCode= {0};}}","VariableDataAsString")

I've used all of these methods many times in the past with good success. I didn't convert them to C# as I already had these samples laying around. Hopefully you can see what to do and convert them yourself. If necessary I will convert them for you.
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