Question : Windows 2003 WMI Errors after VMWare Virtualization
I'm receiving WMI errors in Windows Server 2003 after virtualization. The error is apparent via the Windows Error Reporting Service. When I click Dont Send, the error reappears.
The physical server was an HP Proliant with a lot of HP software/drivers. I removed all of the software from Add/Remove, but the WMI remains.
Any ideas on what this could be ~ or how to find what's causing the WMI error?
Event Log:
Application Error Event ID: 1004.
Reporting queued error: faulting application wmiprvse.exe, version 5.2.3790.4455, faulting module msvcr90.dll, version 9.0.30729.4148, fault address 0x00059a61.
Answer : Windows 2003 WMI Errors after VMWare Virtualization
Do you have Insight server? might that polling server using WMI
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