Question : MS Access 2007 -- Using Like with Left Join

I’m trying to join IDs from two tables in Access so I can extend the data available to me for each ID. The problem is that one of the tables (Site-Merch) has many instances of multiple IDs being listed in a single cell, like this:


The other table (04LargeSampleHard) only lists one of these IDs per cell, as it should.

How can I alter my query so I that can join IDs that are not identical, i.e. as long as the ID is CONTAINED in the cell in the second table, it will join?

Here is the code that I have now, which isn't working.  I think I need to use a Left Join because I don't want to lose any rows from 04LargeSampleHard (even if there is no ID match in Site-Merch).

SELECT [04LargeSampleHard].*, [Site-Merch].[Activity Type], [Site-Merch].[Placement Slot], [Site-Merch].[Exact Slot], [Site-Merch].Description, [Site-Merch].Title, [Site-Merch].ID
FROM 04LargeSampleHard LEFT JOIN [Site-Merch] ON [04LargeSampleHard].ID LIKE '*[Site-Merch].ID*';

Answer : MS Access 2007 -- Using Like with Left Join


SELECT [04LargeSampleHard].*, [Site-Merch].[Activity Type], [Site-Merch].[Placement Slot], [Site-Merch].[Exact Slot], [Site-Merch].Description, [Site-Merch].Title, [Site-Merch].ID
FROM 04LargeSampleHard LEFT JOIN [Site-Merch] ON '|'+[Site-Merch].ID+'|' LIKE '*|'+[04LargeSampleHard].ID+'|*';
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