Question : vbscript with Loop command
Hi All,
I have below script, which copy user members from one group and cpies to another group.Now the question is that i have 6 different source groups and 6 target groups. I dont want to run 6 differnet scripts for each group. Can someone help me out with this. We can define set objx1....objx6 and same for target and then run the for command looping for each group.
Set objSource = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Locat
ion - src, ou=Distribution Lists, ou= Groups, dc=xyz, dc=com")
' Select target group.
Set objTarget = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Locat
ion- DL, ou=Security Groups, ou=Groups, dc=xyz, dc=com")
' Enumerate members of source group.
For Each objMember In objSource.Members
' Check if this object already a member of the target group.
If (objTarget.IsMember(objMem
h) = False) Then
' Add this object to the target group.
count = count + 1
End If
if count < 1 then
count = 0
end if
Answer : vbscript with Loop command
I am not familiar with the specifics of the ldap object, but you need to check to see if it is a group, and ignore it if it is.
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