Question : Connect a VB6 Client App to a remote SQL Server 2005 database using ADO 2.8
I have built a client application in VB6 using an MS Access database with ADO 2.8 connection strings and subsequent recordsets. My client wants this on a remote SQL Server 2005 database hosted at I've set up the database using SQL Server Migration Assistant with no problems. Now I need to re-code my software to access the SQL instead of the Access db. Someone please get me headed in the right direction! I've included an sampling of the current code. I'd like to keep things as simple as possible using code only (no data "widgets")
Private Sub examplecode()
Public dbPath As String
Public dbConn As String
Public sqlstring As String
Public cnTime As Connection
Public rsEmp As Recordset
dbConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OL
ta Source="
dbPath = "C:\StaffTime.mdb"
sqlstring = "SELECT * FROM Emp"
Set conn = New Connection
Set rsEmp = New Recordset
conn.Open dbConn & dbPath
rsEmp.Open sqlstring, conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
With rsEmp
While Not .EOF
'perform add, update
'delete, view procedures
End With
End Sub
Answer : Connect a VB6 Client App to a remote SQL Server 2005 database using ADO 2.8
try changing the conn.Open statement to
conn.Open "Data Source=remoteServerAddress
;Initial Catalog=DataBaseName;User Id=remoteUsername;Password
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