Question : Setting up exchange
Ok, so here are all the particulars. I have a Server 2003 Standard. We decided to host mail internally to use the advantage of exchange. I installed 2003 Exchange sp2. Now for some reason or another I can not get mail to the server. Here are a few of the issues.
The email domain is , the local domain is Cbeyond the phone, interent, and previous e-mail provider does the DNS for They can only change the MX record to a name.
I bought the domain name from godaddy, to try to fix things up I have not been able to get it to the server.
THere is no firewall except for the cbeyond modem.
Cbeyond told me I had to redo my local domain. That can't possibly be the best way. How can I get email into exchange.
Answer : Setting up exchange
Have you pointed the MX record to your fixed IP address and opened up port 25 on your modem / router and forwarded it to your server?
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