Question : can't get iPhone to connect to Exchange 2010 from outside...
I'm having an issue with iPhone and active sync and just can't get it to work.
I have tested from the inside and everything works well. I setup the account it syncs, all the mail comes in, I delete things and then they disappear in my Outlook, etc.
However, if I take the phone off the network to the outside world it doesn't do anything. It checks for mail for a long time and comes up with nothing. I have port 443 forwarded from the outside world into the Exchange box, the https lifetime is 30 minutes like MS recommends, outside access is working with RPC over HTTPS, the web page for OWA comes up fine from computers...However, if I try to go to the webpage in Safari on the iPhone it won't display it and Activesync doesn't seem to work from the outside either.
If I telnet to the server from outside on 443 it's open and listening. I tested Activesync with the test from the outside and everything is green, I have basic authentication on the Activesync dir and I have filled in my domain and realm....what am I missing here to get it working from the outside world???
Answer : can't get iPhone to connect to Exchange 2010 from outside...
What is the FQDN of the server that you have configured in Activesync and can that be resolved in DNS externally?
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