Question : Need reminder popups or even an email from other persons outlook calendar
We have a shared exchange calendar for the booking of a resource. It is set up as a user.
We all have access to that calendar and can create an appoinment to book the item.
I would like to receive reminders that a booking is coming up so i can check it is allocated out.
I know that this can not happen in Outlook (I've spent the last few hours seaching).
I am trying to write a VBA script that will look into the other users calendar every hour and popup a message or send an email to me when it sees something in the next hour in the calendar.
It does not want to connect. It seems to be some sort of security issue (I have full access)
my code currently starts with :
Set NameSpace = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set MyFolder = NameSpace.GetSharedDefault
mote Unit 1", olFolderCalendar).Items
I think this is the wrong way to access it. The MAPI part is opening up my folder collection and this is not a part of that.
The sharedDefaultFolder bit does not seem to point to another users folder. maybe it is for shared public folders.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance
Answer : Need reminder popups or even an email from other persons outlook calendar
Did you check this
This was written for Outlook 2002 - I am not sure if it will work right off the bat in 2007. You might have to customize it.
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