Question : Excel (2010) Calculate Working Hours Between DateCreated and DateAssigned

I have found several posted solutions(?) but none seem to work correctly or return what I need.

What I am needing to calculate are the working hours between a Date/Time of item creation and the Date/Time of item assignment.

The working hours are between 08:00 and 17:00, Monday through Friday. The formula needs to disregard weekend days/hours and weekday non-working hours.

Additionally it needs to account for Date/Time of item creation and Date/Time of item assignment that occurs outside of the hours of 08:00 and 17:00. (EXAMPLE: if the item was created at 08/02/10 06:15 it should be assumed/calculated as if it was created at 08/02/10 08:00; if the item was assigned at 08/02/10 19:24 is should be assumed/calculated as if it was assigned at 08/02/10 17:00 or 08/03/10 08:00 - whichever is easier or makes the most sense.)

Lastly, the results may be greater that 24 hours - this has also been problematic. I need to be able to display and perform additional functions (e.g. AVERAGE, MIN, MAX) on the cumulative results. Results greater that 24 hours seem to throw a wrench into things.

The attached/uploaded Excel (2010) file has the requisite data. Excel function(s) preferred over VBA.

Thank you for any assistance!
Time to Assigment example data

Answer : Excel (2010) Calculate Working Hours Between DateCreated and DateAssigned

It is a zero padding issue. To address it you can use the following code. This is where I got the solution:

@echo off
set hour=%time:~0,2%
if "%hour:~0,1%"==" " set hour=0%hour:~1,1%
copy S:\Apps\EAM\PDCApptLtr\Prod\Appointment_Combined.csv S:\Apps\EAM\PDCApptLtr\Prod\Appointment_Combined_%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~12,2%%hour%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.csv
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