easiest way, create a boolean variable set it to false before the first loop, set it to true inside the loop
if the first variable is still false after the first loop, then the loop found nothing and do the 2nd loop
v_loop_check := FALSE
for serv_prc_rec in serv_prc_cur(get_ship_interface_rec.item_id
,get_ship_interface_rec.price_code) loop
v_loop_check := TRUE;
v_price := serv_prc_rec.price;
dbms_output.put_line('serv_prc_rec price = '||serv_prc_rec.price);
end loop;
if not v_loop_check then
-- If the above loop fetched null or no records then the below
for serve_ar_interface_rec in serve_ar_interface_cur(get_ship_interface_rec.item_id) loop v_price := serve_ar_interface_rec.std_price;
dbms_output.put_line('interface price = '||get_ship_interface_rec.std_price);
end if;