Question : RAID 1
I have a Dell Server with a PERC 6/i controller. Originally I had 4 1TB drives where I created 2 1TB RAID 1 arrays. The second Virtual Disk was for backup from the first which was partitioned into C & D drives. I ended up with two 1.5TB drives from another server and hot swapped the backup drives one at a time. The PERC rebuilt the RAID 1 and after both were swapped and rebuilt, the Server administrator showed 496 GB available on each drive. I then created a third RAID-1 with the additional space and created another drive. My question, is this a bad practice, having two separate RAID 1 on the same two physical disks? Would it be better to back the whole thing up and rebuild the entire 1.5 TB as a RAID 1 and then partition it?
Answer : RAID 1
It's not considered "bad practice". As for performance, it wouldn't be much different than having a single RAID-1 with multiple partitions. The only drawback comes from trying to write data to partitions located on the same drive(s) simultaneously.
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