Question : Sudden Laptop screen failure
I have a odd situation with a laptop, hopefully someone can make suggestions without me taking it to a tech ($$$).
I have a Compaq Laptop that it two years old(bought at Best Buy). It has never had ANY issues. Yesterday I turned it on, booted it up, and when it got to the windows XP Login screen, my keyboard wouldn't work, so I couldn't enter my password. The mouse worked, everything else was 100% normal.
This was strange, so I tgought if I did a shutdown and rebooted the sytem, maybe the keyboard would be ok. I was VERY wrong.
Upon trying to turn the laptop on next time, the screen will not come up. Also, I think the keyboard is dead because pressing scroll lock doesn't cause the little scoll lock blue light to turn on/off. The fan DOES come on with the laptop and stays on for aobut 4 seconds, then shuts off. All other lights are one normal, just no screen. My mini-mouse lights normal as though the laptop is booting up.
Is there anything I might be able to do to troubleshoot/fix this laptop? I would be grealy surprised if it had a catastropic failure of this nature so suddenly (I guess it is possible?)
Answer : Sudden Laptop screen failure
Disconnect the laptop from the mains and remove the battery. Press and hold down the power button for in excess of 20 seconds. Replace the battery and maina and press the power button.
Let us know if that helps.
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