Question : Not Allowing Scheduling Set Minutes Before or After An Already Scheduled Event
I have several Room Resources set up on Exchange 2007 and I would like to add a 15 minute before and after cushion onto any meetings scheduled in these rooms. In other words, I would like schedulers to NOT be able to schedule a meeting before or after an already scheduled meeting adjacent to it, unless they've allowed 15 minutes between the two meetings. I hope I am making myself clear as to my request and I hope there is a setting in Exchange that will allow for this.
In summary, if there was such a setting, this would work:
9:00 - 9:45 Meeting Request 10:00 - 11:00 Already Scheduled Meeting 11:15 - 12:00 Meeting Request
And this would not:
9:00 - 10:00 Meeting Request 10:00 - 11:00 Already Scheduled Meeting 11:00 - 12:00 Meeting Request
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Answer : Not Allowing Scheduling Set Minutes Before or After An Already Scheduled Event
You cannot be that granular with the policies, if Exchange sees the time as being available then as far as it's concerned it's available.
You will have to ask your users to add the 15 minute cushion in to their meeting requests.
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