Question : What am i doin wrong
sub Connect
print "Connecting to $host on $port...\n";
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => 'C:\Program Files\Spirent Communications\SimPLEX\sim
PeerPort => '15650',
Proto => 'tcp' );
die "Error: Could not create socket - $!\n" unless defined( $sock );
$sock->autoflush( 1 );
print "Sending $command command to $host on $port...\n";
while (my $buffer = <$sock>) {
print "Server data:\n";;
print "$buffer\n";
die "Error: Could not fork process - $!\n" unless defined( my $pid = fork() );
if( $pid ) {
while( my $buffer = <$sock> ) {
print "Server data:\n";;
print "$buffer\n";
close( $sock );
kill( "TERM", $pid );
} else {
print "Sending $command command to $host on $port...\n";
$sock->send( $command );
it doesnt connect
Answer : What am i doin wrong
First of all, PeerAddr should be ip address or host name of server, that listen port 15650, not path to program, like
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => '15650', Proto => 'tcp' );
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