Question : Barracuda Load Balancer 340 - balances fine but real servers cannot connect to Interenet
I have setup a Barracuda Load Balancer 340. It spreads the HTTP load fine across the real servers but the issue I have is that none of the real servers have access to Internet...
Here is the config of the LB:
Wan side:
Lan side:
Real Server 1:
Real Server 2:
I have checked Enable NAT for Real Servers under Advaced IP Configuration.
Since the Load Balancer is operating normally for the clients I don't see what the issue is with servers not connecting to Internet to access a simple web page?
Thanks for any help you can provide
Answer : Barracuda Load Balancer 340 - balances fine but real servers cannot connect to Interenet
Issue was around the DNS settings...
The LB does not act as a DNS (the router in front of the LB does but not the LB itself)
After setting the DNS entries to the ISP DNS IPs everything worked fine
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