Question : DP 6.0 Win2K cell mgr - backup to iSCSI lun using file device
Does anyone have experience with backing up Windows dirs/files to iSCSI lun (NetApp host - N3600 IBM) using DP 6.0 on Win2K cell mgr then deduping on host (OnTap
The reason that I ask is that the backup to iSCSI lun completes w/o errors, however, dedup is only about 10% after weeks of deduping same backup files.
No errors in the OnTap logs (N3600)
Would DP 6.0 "File Library" media format be the cause of this? Any other ideas?
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.
Answer : DP 6.0 Win2K cell mgr - backup to iSCSI lun using file device
Are you trying to dedupe a Netapp LUN, CIFS Volume, or Netapp Volume? The reason I ask is that you can't dudupe (ASIS) on a Netapp LUN with ASIS.
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