Question : How do I get back into my user profile?
I have linked questions for this. I received a user environment error that said:
Windows cannot load your profile because it may be corrupted. You may be logged in using a temporary User Profile.
However when it tried to load the temporary profile it didn't work...
When I try to get into the advanced windows menu to get it into safe mode that screen won't allow me to navigate it with the arrows... I do have a USB connected keyboard... but I can't get anywhere to fix that problem either..... I tried using an older keyboard but it would not accept it.... Now my computer won't go past the Microsoft Windows XP loading screen.... Any advise?
Answer : How do I get back into my user profile?
Ok sounds like you have resolved your own issue there then and yup if user32.dll does get deloeted it will look like all profiles are corrupt.
Are you able to follow the instructions to re update avg to resolve the problem?
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