Question : Update statement in Oracle 10g
I need an update statement in Orale. I want to set PREC=SEQ for all the records which having duplicated values for ID & sort. For the example below, I want to set PREC=SEQ for ID=00005477 & sort=001 and sort=004.
--------------- --------------- ---------- ----------
00005477 001 1 1
00005477 001 1 2
00005477 001 1 3
00005477 002 1 1
00005477 003 1 1
00005477 004 1 1
00005477 004 1 2
thanks in advance!
Answer : Update statement in Oracle 10g
if the Data type of [shippernum] is text
Me.NCOsubform.Form.Filter = "[shippernum]='" & ShipperText & "'"
n = True
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