Question : How can I "sp_help" the output signature of a Stored Procedure?
Anyone know the command to discover the output signature of a stored procedure? That is, if I create (in AdventureWorks) the stored procudure...
create procedure Summer as
select EmployeeID, NationalIDNumber, BirthDate from HumanResources.Employee
I want to execute "sp_help????? Summer" and see:
EmployeeId int
NationalIdNumber varchar(15)
BirthDate datetime
What comand gives me this information??? I know the thing exists because SSIS can figure the output signature of the procedure without actually running it.
Thanks in advance.
Answer : How can I "sp_help" the output signature of a Stored Procedure?
I do not believe there is any system Stored Procedure that gives you the information that you need.
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