Question : Yes/No query parameter for MS Access Report
Hi all,
I have an Access report with that queries a table called Documents with a yes/no field called Deleted. I have parameters the user can enter before the report runs - Ex: Enter Company Name, Enter City, etc. I'd like to add a parameter to the report that asks if the user wants to display documents that have been deleted (Documents.Deleted=Yes).
So the parameter would be something like:
Show Deleted Documents?
user selects yes or no
If Yes is selected, the report should return all values of Documents.Deleted. If No is selected, the report should return only records where Documents.Deleted = No.
Can someone help point me in the right direction here?
Thanks in advance.
Answer : Yes/No query parameter for MS Access Report
Can you try this:
DIR") & "MyExe.exe"
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shel
objShell.Run strFileName, 1, True
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