Question : Form with dynamic field names only returning first word on request.form
I've got a classic ASP page using dynamically assigned field names that is only returning the first word from the value when returning the value via request.form. Here is the code for the dynamic field:
ctr = ctr+1
response.write "<tr><td height='26' bordercolor='#CCCCCC' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><input name='hidCtr' type='hidden' value=" & ctr & "><input name='char_02" & ctr & "' type='hidden' id='char_02" & ctr & "' value=" & rs_co_task("char_02") & "><div align='center'>"
Here is the code on the update page:
arrctrIDs = Split(ctrID, ", ")
set rs_catdata1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB
for each elem in arrctrIDs
w_task = Replace(Request.Form("char
_02" & elem), "'", "''")
From here the variables are being inserted into the database with no additional formatting.
Anyone have any ideas?
Answer : Form with dynamic field names only returning first word on request.form
You can do it like this:
Value = "NY", "Tri-State", iif(Fields!CustomerState.V
alue = "CT", "Tri-State",iif(Fields!Cus
.Value = "NJ", "Tri-State", Fields!CustomerState.Value
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