Question : password and username MSSQL
Hello I have a problem.
I have written a application that will save some data into a MSSQL.
I have test this at 4 3 diffrent places (ofcourse with diffrent user/passname depending om the database settings.)
But I canĀ“t get it to work on this last place...
How should it be... please take a look at my diffrent connectionstrings...
"Data Source=;Initial Catalog=TESTr;User Id=user;Password=pswd;"
"Data Source=;Initial Catalog=TEST;Integrated Security=SSPI;User ID=user;Password=pswd;"
I have tested with because I have the MSSQL databas on the same computer as I have my on...
I have tried with the ip-adress for the computer
please give me som tips or help!
Answer : password and username MSSQL
either that computer does not have remote connection enabled or the the error itself explaining that the user name or password is not matching.
you have to check the sql version for that computer.
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