Question : SCCM Scan agent fails with Scan Failed for ToolUniqueID with error 0x80070005
I have a large number of systems that all fail scanning with the error described in the Title. 0x80070005 (Access Denied). Similar errors with 0x80070005 are found in WUHANDLER.log, Updates Handler.log, updates deployment.log. A PROCMON trace was run and shows CcmExec.exe 4900 CreateFile c:\windows\system32\GroupP
ry.pol ACCESS DENIED Desired Access: Generic Write, Read Attributes, Disposition: Overwriteif, Options:Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: None, AllocationSize:0" .
Checked permissions on Registry.pol and System and Local Administrators have full rights. Turned off all UAC GPO's with same errors occuring. As an example in a domain som servers scan and receive Software updates properly. Other servers within the same OU fail with the aforementioned errors.
Any Suggestions?
Answer : SCCM Scan agent fails with Scan Failed for ToolUniqueID with error 0x80070005
Problem was a Local Security Policy set the file attributes on the %WINDIR%\system32\grouppol
.pol file to read only. Thanjks for the tips but noone gets points this time.
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