Question : Perl or awk
I’m trying to convert the output of a svcs –a into a cvs file to load
It into a mysql db, and I have a limited success in using a awk command
To split my fields
This is my awk command
svcs -a | grep disable | awk '{print $1", " "yes" ", "$2", " $3", "}' > /var/tmp/svcs-out
which produces this which mysql won’t recognize I suspect it would like
something like CVS and I don’t hnow how to convert the output into a CVS
Thank you for any help
disabled, yes, Jul_21, svc:/network/ipsec/ike:def
disabled, yes, Jul_21, svc:/network/ipsec/manual-
disabled, yes, Jul_21, svc:/network/dns/client:de
Answer : Perl or awk
what does the output of svcs -a look like, and what would you like the result in /var/tmp/svcs-out to look like?
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