Question : 2003 pdc holding all fsmo roles crashed; ad rebuilding indices; server is enterprise cert server
i have a 2003 server that had the hard drive hosting the ad data crash. ran consistency chk on raid === fixed. ran chkdsk on drive == deletied bunch of orphan files. now server will not start ad services; prompts to restart in ad restore mode; server says on logon prompt rebuilding ad indices please wait. have unplugged server from net. have 10 other dcs. is it safe to plug this server back in and will the good ad info replicate to the failed server? should i just act as if the server is dead and manually remove the dc; seize the roles and clean up the ad metadata? do not want the failed ad to corrupt the other 10 dcs that have the current data. also not able to logon to 2003 servers, servers say access is denied. any advice will be appreciated
Answer : 2003 pdc holding all fsmo roles crashed; ad rebuilding indices; server is enterprise cert server
Since you have 10 other DCs I wouldn't even mess with this box. I'd do exactly what you said, seize the roles, metadata cleanup, flatten it, install Windows and add it back to the domain and promote again.
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